Must Reads: Xombi Vol. 2


Slow Clap.

I tend to pick up a series after its been compiled into a graphic novel or when the Library adds them to it’s massive collection.  The up-side, it’s free.  The downside, I chance missing out on a really great series.  In this case, the series was John Rozum‘s Xombi.  In almost 30 years of reading comics, I can honestly say Xombi is one of the most uniquely bizarre, pleasurable reading experiences I’ve had in comics.  Xombi is up there with the weirdest of Alan Moore and Grant Morrison!

Puns, nuns with guns, killer snow angels, secret cults, a floating magical skull fortress, religious superheros, talking coins…ahhhaha my mind!  Join David Kim, Nun of the Above, Nun the Less and Catholic Girl,on an epic horror adventure!

Available for check-out!


Comics Re-Read: Pax Romana

Pax Romana

Recently I re-read Pax Romana and discussed it with a group of friends. I had read it a few years ago back when it was originally released, the rest of the group were first time readers.  Having had a few years to digest the story and go over it’s complexities, I have found it to be a real fascinating read. It made me think about the impact of technology and sociological engineering.  There is also time travel, which is always awesome.  Of course Hickman is not for the weak, he wants you to re-read and think about what he’s discussing.  If this kind of intellectual comic appeals to you then I strongly suggest checking it out.

You can check out Pax Romana at the SLCPL here.More of Jonathan Hickman’s work can also be found here.

Get Jiro!


Earlier Last month, I was going through one of my can’t find any good comics to read” fits when Comic Guru To The Stars (and slcplaltpress contributor) Rachel Getts handed me this colorful graphic novel with some bad ass looking sushi chef on the front cover.  “Read this.” she said, and I did and it changed my life…or at least the way I feel about food culture, foodies and how hypocritical they can be.

Available for check-out!  Also enjoy the interview below with celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, author of Get Jiro!

Man of Steel

After seeing the new trailer for Man of Steel for the umpteenth time, I am convinced that next year will be a banner year for the Man of Steel.  A little background: I am a major Supes fan.  I know it’s not as cool as Batman.  I know that Superman is a boring boy scout.  I still don’t care.  The first comic book superhero movie I ever saw was Superman: The Movie.  Christopher Reeve and director Richard Donner made me believe that a man could fly.  It still does.  It’s still my favorite superhero movie even with all those Avengers, Batman’s, and that Peter Parker guy, running around in movies these days.

In the last few years it has been a ridiculous tragedy that Warner Bros.  cannot figure out how to make these DC superheroes as great as they are on the page.  Except for Batman, they just can’t seem to pull it together.  Well I certainly hope that this is it.  Because I want kids today to experience what I did when I first saw Christopher Reeve catch that helicopter.

Here’s the trailer if you haven’t already seen it. Enjoy.

Uncanny X-Force: The Dark Angel Saga


I just finished Rick Remender‘s Uncanny X-Force:  The Dark Angel Saga and OMG its a wild ride!  I’m convinced this is the best thing to come out of Marvel in a long time. Seriously put down what ever you’re reading at the moment and give Uncanny X-Force a try.  Never before has Marvel assembled a more bad ass entertaining group of psychotic killers who do a very poor job disguising themselves as superheros.  I’m not saying anything else and chance spoiling it for you…I mean look!  Deathlok just went Ted Bundy on a bad guy!


Also just a heads up for X-Force fans, according to IGN, Marvel has plans to release two more X-Force series including a new Uncanny X-Force run by Sam Humphries and Ron Garney


December Local Zine Spotlight: Read Me

Read Me

She was one of our own, but now she has moved on to greener pastures.  So for the  month of December we are spotlighting this delightful zine from Sarah Custen.  It was created as a holiday gift but also chronicles her life and travails.  You can also read more from Sarah over at her blog Little Sarah Big World.  She also plays music in public from time to time.

This zine along with many other zines can be found and checked out in the Zine Collection at the Main Library.