Valentine’s Mini-Comic Zine Workshop Pics

If you are an Instagram user (and really who isn’t these days amirite?) check out these great pics from last night’s Valentine’s Mini-Comic zine workshop courtesy of zinester/alt-girl bonniekayevargacooper.

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Or click here and look for February 2013.

If you like what you see (and live in the SLC area) we urge you to come on out to one of our workshops.  They are super fun.  Or maybe look out for or start Zine Workshops in your community.

Top 5 Romance Graphic Novels and Comics That End Happily (At least for the Moment)

It rarely happens, but here’s some titles that give us warm fuzzies.

RocketeerFablesSpider-Man Loves Mary JaneLeague of extraordinary gentlemenstrangers-in-paradise

Strangers In Paradise-Francine and Katchoo Forever! SO Excited that Terry Moore is bringing back this ground breaking series sometime in 2013.  (Ed. Note: Sadly not currently available at the SLCPL.  But it should be, well worth acquiring.)

Fables-Snow and Bigby are the bomb! Watch how opposites attract and the backbone couple of this series emerges.

Spider-man Loves Mary Jane-This series takes the Spider-man origin stories and plays them from the POV of Mary Jane Watson.  It’s fun PG comics that anyone can read.  (Ed. Note: Sadly the SLCPL only has two vol. of this series, but since each volume is a one-and-down self-contained story, it really doesn’t matter. Again this is available cheap and well worth it.)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen-Alan Moore won’t ever admit it, but I genuinely think that he meant this to be a romantic comedy.  The banter between Miss Mina Murray and Allan Quartermain is magic.

The Rocketeer-Cliff Secord and his girlfriend Betty are such a wonderful homage of classic 30s serial characters.  It’s shocking to discover that they are Dave Stevens original creations.

Most of these are available at the SLCPL for check out.  Happy Valentines Day!

February Local Zine Spotlight: To Kevin, In Hopes of Losing Interest

To Kevin

For our February Zine spotlight we are highlighting To Kevin, In Hopes of Losing Interest by local writer/filmmaker Whitney Borup.  It being nearly V-day and all this zine is an apt study on relationships, good and bad.  Borup pulls us along with a veracity that belies her repeated claims that the stories within are fiction.  Her romanticism is honest and hopeful while avoiding cliches.

This zine can be found in the Zine Collection at the Salt Lake City Main Library.

Whitney Borup is a Ph.D. candidate in American Studies at the University of Utah. She earned an M.A. in Cinema Studies at San Francisco State University and a B.A. in Media Arts and Psychology at Brigham Young University. She studies early 20th-century American literature, aesthetics, horror, and the representation of children in popular culture.