
2013 has been a pretty impressive year for graphic novels thus far. Here’s some of the great books that have come out already and some coming out later in the year. sandmannew

The new Sandman story has me pretty excited, a promising science-fiction love story by Jeff Lemire of Sweet Tooth and Essex County fame, and 2 new books from artist Frank Quitely.


We’re going to be getting some of these title later in the year, we do have Relish to check out here:

For synopses of the above mentioned graphic novels and the full list of the “Most Anticipated Graphic Novels of 2013” go here: Graphic Novel Summer Reading

I Got 99 Problems, But A Giant & Death Ain’t One…

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Have you been in a terrible mood lately?  Feeling jaded or pessimistic?  Put these two graphic novels on your hold list now:  Joe The Barbarian by Grant Morrison and I Kill Giants by Joe Kelly.  If these don’t cheer you up, check your pulse.  Your probably already dead.
