From The Vault #5: Deathlok Special #1

Periodically I pull a comic from my personal collection and share it here.  So you, dear reader can enjoy the classics from cover to cover, old ads included!

It must come as no surprise but I LOOOVE a good B-list superhero.  Rocket Raccoon, The Impossible Man, Ghost RiderDeathlok!  In my humble opinion Uncanny X-Force and Guardians Of The Galaxy are the two best superhero teams in comics right now.  No wonder, both teams are chuck full of awesome B-list superheros!  If you haven’t had a chance give them a read, especially Uncanny X-Force where this months superhero Deathlok makes more than an appearance!

In this first issue of a four part limited series, Michael Collins has a very bad day when he’s shot with a sedative and his brain is transplanted into the head of the cyborg Deathlok and used as a deadly weapon for evil Roxxon Oil!


From The Vault #4: Hawkeye #1 Limited Series

Periodically I pull a comic from my personal collection and share it here.  So you, dear reader can enjoy the classics from cover to cover, old ads included!

You might have wondered, why was Hawkeye, out of all Marvel superheroes, in the Avengers?  Have any of you ever read a little graphic novel titled Old Man Logan?  If your answer is yes, congratulations.  If the answer is no, then get your butt over to the Library and check it out, NOW!  Hawkeye is a bad a$$ with a bad attitude just waiting for the wrong person to cross his path.  This month (late I know) I give you Hawkeye #1, the first of a 4 part limited series.


From The Vault #3: Spider-Man #1

Periodically I pull a comic from my personal collection and share it here.  So you, dear reader can enjoy the classics from cover to cover, old ads included!

Everyone is talking about Spider-Man and no wonder, the new film was just released and it looks awesome!  I still haven’t seen it, but I definitely plan to.  In the mean time, I dug through my old Spider-Man collection and came across Spider-Man #1!  This comic brings back memories!  This is THE Spider-Man I grew to love.  Written and drawn by Todd McFarlane, this series was dark, bloody and intense.  And similar to the new film, Spider-Man goes up against The Lizard!  This comic has a beat…you can almost feel the “DOOM” vibrating off the pages.  What are you waiting for?!  Read it already!

Also just for fun, I included a four minute sneak peek of the new Spider-Man film below.  Is it just me or does the character at 0:37 yell “Somebody help me, my kid is DRUNK!”?  And then you see the kid sitting behind the wheel of the car…ROTFLOL!


From The Vault #2: X-Force

Periodically I pull a comic from my personal collection and share it here.  So you, dear reader can enjoy the classics from cover to cover, old ads included!

Who’s that on the cover of X-Force #1?  Oh just some guy named CableX-Force was first conceived by Rob Liefeld back in 1991.  Liefeld wanted to create a team that was willing to do things the X-men wouldn’t…Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, kind of like that Daft Punk song.  The earlier issues, also had some major appearances by everyone’s favorite funny guy Deadpool (I have his first issue somewhere).

Enjoy the second installment of From The Vault!

Related posts:  From The Vault #1 and Uncanny X-Force.


From The Vault #1: Rocket Raccoon

I’ve decided to periodically pull a comic book from my personal collection and upload it to our blog.  So you dear reader, can enjoy the classics from cover to cover in all their glory, ads included!

First up, Rocket Raccoon!  (Thank you Rory Donahoe for unintentionally reminding me I had this issue boxed up in my collection.)  This first issue of a four part series was penciled by Hell Boy creater Mike Mignola!  Cool right?  If you dig Rocket Raccoon, you can catch him in the new Guardians of the Galaxy kicking butt along side Star-Lord, Adam Warlock, Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Phyla-Vell, Groot and Mantis.  And in the Second season of Avengers:  Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!  Can I get a “heyyy yeah!”

Click below to read Rocket Raccoon #1
