Alt Press Fest 2013 Call for Entries!

Alt Press Fest 2013Calling all zine producers, printmakers, book artists, and DIYers of all stripes!

We are back! And this year we’ll have some awesome special guests….

So claim your spot at the Alt Press Fest (Sat, July 13, Main Library)! If you want to show off your wares or conduct a workshop, contact Brooke Young ( no later than Monday, April 22.

New Zine Catalog! Yes, Finally.

Yes it’s true.

A while ago our old online zine catalog fell apart and disappeared into the web abyss.
It has not been seen again.
We cried. We despaired.
But then we picked ourselves up and hatched a new plan.

First some background: The Salt Lake City Public Library’s Alternative Press Collection is the continuation of what began in the mid ‘90s as the Zine Collection. Beginning with one zine, SLCPL’s Main library now houses the largest zine collection of any in a public library, and one of the largest anywhere in the world with over 2,500 unique titles and more than 6,000 items.

Last month a few staff members at the SLCPL started a massive online cataloging project. As of this moment we have cataloged over 400 materials. Ultimately we want to have everything listed by the end of the year 2013.

Here’s a link to our new zine catalog online: SLCPL Zine Catalog

We know that it’s not as spiffy as the old one, but it’s easy to update.
So check it out.